Evelyn Daniel,
Page rev. 6/5/2001. (Comment added)



Criteria for Evaluation

Summer 2001

Five statements are provided below reflecting the criteria that I will use to evaluate and grade thefunding source assignment. The first three statements are simply checks showing that you followed instructions. I typically rate these as 3 if everything is done but will edge it up and give you a 2 for meeting all specifications and a 1 if you did it in a outstanding way. For the last two statements, I have given you a number on a five point scale, where:

1 = Outstanding (beyond my expectations)

2 = Very Good (superior work)

3 = Good (perfectly satisfactory – equivalent to B)

4 = Acceptable but Needs Improvement (will be accompanied by some suggestions for ways to make the next assignment better)

5 = Unsatisfactory (will be returned with request to redo).




The funding source web page created for the assignment identifies the organizational context and geographic location, appropriate number and kind of fundings sources (2 for 1/2 credit, 4-5 for 1 credit), and indicates where each source was found.


A funding agency prospect form was used showing contact information, details about the funding program, application procedures, where to go to get further information, and notes for ideas of possible interest to the agency.


Useful information about the best funding source found is posted to the Funding Source bulletin board with a note about the reason for its selection. Additional posts with useful recommendations to the class receive extra credit.


Analysis of organization and funding sources is thoughtful. Choices reflect effort to find good matches between organizational interests and funding agency priorities.


Presentation of report is attractive, well organized and clearly stated.

