Folk Songs in
One Family
The E.L. Simons Folk Song Collection

Songs Shoot The Buffalo
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Shoot The Buffalo

Time: 1:01
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Old Jim Hawk he shot the buzzard,
And the buzzard shot the crow,
And we'll rally 'round the cane-brake
For to shoot the buffalo.

For to shoot the buffalo,
For to shoot the buffalo,
And we'll rally 'round the cane-brake
To shoot the buffalo.

Rise you up, my dearest dear,
And present to me your hand,
And we'll all march together
To some far and distand land.

To some far and distant land,
To some far and distant land,
And we'll all march together
To some far and distant land.


Note from E.L. Simons (1952): [To the tune of "Rally 'Round the Flag] "Girls and boys form a ring and as they sing go right and left around the ring. When they meet partners, they promenade and then repeat. -- Myrtle simons. See Ford, Traditional Music of America (1940) p. 244, and Lomax, Folk Song U.S.A. (1947), p 103, for variant texts.

